Now for the watermelon part of the title. So my roommate Morgan got a watermelon and when she cut into it, it looked like the pictures below. We were all wondering what happened to the center as well if it was a good watermelon. But it was actually a good watermelon. However, looking at it no one would have guessed that it would have been that good.
On Wednesday, for IWA, Emily and I were in charge of the activity. We invited all the Wednesday chapters of IWA that meets at the institute as well as the Wednesday night men's group. Everyone said that it went better than their expectation. I was a little bit worried but I also thought it went good. Everyone mostly minded the rules of staying silent through this experience and I only had to tell three people to be quite. Everyone started in the same room and then we took 10ish people out of the room, blindfolded them, and lead them into another room that only had 2 lights on and the chairs where not in the normal set up so they had to work their way around them to get to the exit door. When the got to the exit door. One of two people lead them out to the end which was Natalie giving them a paper to write their thoughts on and they went in to the chapel where they sat in the pews. There was a slide show of Christ going on so we told every that their goal was to sit at the feet of the Saviors feet. Everyone was suppose to stay quite. Then Emily got up said her testimony, Sister Simmons said a few words and then we had time for 2 people from the audience to bear their testimony. Then I got up and said my testimony and closed the activity. It went amazingly well. If I was to do this again there would be only 3 or 4 things that I would have done differently, but I am not going to dwell on those things because I was told it went good. And people liked it. Now to end this blog I want to bear my testimony to all of you!
I have a testimony of the Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ. I know that Heavenly Father sent his son down to earth to open the door for us to get back to Heaven. I know that Jesus Christ was the only one that could have unlocked the gate. I know that if we just do our part through our trials then Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are there for us. They want us to succeed. They also so want us to be happy. I know that Joseph Smith was a man of God and President Monson is the man of God of our day. I know that Heavenly Father loves to hear from us and if we just go to our knees he will answer us even if it is not like we want him too. I also know that going to church and visiting the temple is the closest we can get to being in heaven while being on earth. I know the families can be together forever if we are sealed as a family in the temple and if we continue to do our best. I also know that when we get judged after death that our maker will take our best into how we are judged. I know that family is and are forever. I know that we should be close to our family (both sides). No matter if the family is siblings, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, or grandparents, we should love them more then friends. However, I know that sometimes friends feel like family members more than actually family and I know that is sad but it is good to have friends to help you get through the hard times. I love my family and friends. My sister and mom are my life time best friends and I hope they know I will do anything for them. And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thanks so much for sharing Natasha! I think you're amazing!