Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Love Letter

Many of you are probably wondering what the title could mean. Well let me tell you! Last night I went to my friends Jeff and Brad's house to play games. My friend Natalie went with me. Well let me be the first to say that the friends that were there have a fun imagination. We played games I have never hear of. The Picture/Sentence game, The Lover letter game (which is what I will talk more about later), Mingle, Mingle, Mingle, and then we also played 2 games that I have heard about 4 men on a couch and Mafia. But let me tell you more about what this post is really about. At first I was a little nervous to even start playing this game. Everyone in the circle gets a piece of paper and they look to their right and start a love letter to that person. Then they start the love letter when the leader of the game yells switch you had the letter to you left even if you have not finished a word. and you continue where the last person left off. And you keep going which is why you only get to read the last 3 or so words. Well so you go until you get yours back and you sign it and then everyone goes around and reads the letter out loud. They can become really fun. Mine was okay in the funny department but I thought it was a good way to show what I mean. I will change the font when the next person started to write so here is the letter that got written to me.

The sock in my flip-flop Natasha, I love it when we walk on the sand and I wear flip-flops especially because sand gets stuck in my pants when we walk on the beach together but I don't mind because I love just being there with you. Your smile sparkles like the moonlight on the water of a pond in china. How I long to look into your eyes and sing you a song of Joy and Rapture. Why do I not know the song in the air right now? But I think of you when I hear you sing those high F sharps and when you sing so loud it makes the glass in all the world. No one makes me as happy as you do. Always, Always, Always, Mickey V

So as you can see it is a lot of crap and makes no sense but it is funny to see that no one person's mind is the same. Life is funny that way. I think the meaning of this is to know say that not everyone thinks a like and so I think in order not to hurt people's feelings or to get into fights before we just say what we are thinking we need to think before we speak. I know that is probably not what Natalie, Andrea, Jeff or Brad got out of this game but I have come to the conclusion that everything I do in my life is to teach me something and that is what I think I am suppose to learn from this game. So I am going to from now on think harder before I say something to people that I don't know that well so I can not hurt feelings. So I am sorry if I have hurt anyone's feelings with the words or actions that I have done. I hope that one day you will forgiven me if you have not all ready. And for those that I have not hurt with me words or actions I am glad and I hope that I never do. :)

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