I know it has almost been 2 years since I have written on my blog. And I have no idea if anyone would still read it but I thought I would write about each of my best friends and why they have made the list of women I look up too.
1)My mom- I have to say her. If it wasn't for her bravery and her faith I would not be here today. She is a rock in my life and there isn't anything that I would not do for her.
2)My sister Brittney- Even though we have had our arguments she is and will be my life long friend. There are things that we don't like about each other but I always know that she will be there for me.
3) Autumn Cutting- She was my best friend back in preschool. I remember that neither one of really thought we were good enough to be among the others in our class so we decided to make our own group. I don't talk to her as much as I would like to but I just remember that when her family moved from Pocatello I didn't want to loose contact with her so I bagged my mom to find her and she did.
4) April Phranasith- She is now married and a mom. I can't believe it. I know that there were many experiences that her and I went through together that neither her or I would want to admit that happened. But I know that because of those times we became stronger together.
5) Krystal Johansen- I know that there is a reason that God put us in each other's lives. I honestly believe that we would not have made it in this world without one another. However, I know that God knew that if we were both given to the same mom than that mom would not survive so he gave us to two different women but made sure that we met early in life and stayed connected.
6) Esther Robles Allmond- The biggest reason I consider her my best friend is because no matter if I was happy or sad she would make me laugh and dance.I love every minute of it.
7) Charlene Bradley- She is another one that I know that God put in my life for a reason. Every time I am in one of those moods she was able to bring me out of it. I still don't know why or how she does it but she does. Thanks!
8) Sara Lee- She has a calm spirit of her. I know that even though she is not as hyper as the other friends I have she is the best listener as a friend. I could tell her anything and she would listen and love me for me. As far as I know there are many secrets that I have told her that she has not told anyone and I know she never well.
9) Becky Miller Wilson- Her and I could talk and laugh for hours. We never lived together and know that we could never live together but we still love each other forever.
10) Daylin Warrick Finich- She is the first best friend that I wasn't best friends with until we moved in together. I didn't really know her when I moved in with her but I am so glad that I had those three and a half years with her. We laughed, cried, morned, rejoiced, fought like sisters but loved each other after the fight was over. She is amazing sister to me and I owe her more than she will ever know.
11) Emily Nelsen- She was the first friend I had when I moved to Logan. I meet lots of friends there but she was the first one that made it a point to be my friend back. She always made sure that I knew that I was loved and that I could do anything if I just put my mind to it. She became my family away from home. And when she got married she did not waste anytime but to make sure that I had friends that would love me the same way as she would.
12) Natalie Porter- She was my friend after Emily that just jumped right in making me feel loved and needed. She has since then continued to love me and I love her in return. Life continued to be fun and exciting with Natalie. Thanks girl!
13) Nikki Safrit- She was another best friend that I did not have until we lived together. It was our second year as roommates that I feel that we really connected. She would always listen to me and let me know that I was heard even if she did not agree with me. No matter what the story was she always had a calm head on her and heard everything that I had to say before she said anything back. I miss that.
14) Lydia Bushman (Porter)- Even though she is getting married tomorrow I still consider her one of my best friends. She also was a very good listener and also made sure that even though I made mistakes I am still loved by her. She shows her love to everyone and makes sure that everyone is having a wonderful time. In everything she does she makes it a party for everyone. There is not one bored person at her parties.
15) Allison Stephens- I went to high school with her but it was not until we went to a singles branch after college that we did a lot of things together. We never had a daul moment together. She always came up with fun, exciting things to do and they always made me laugh.
16) April Butler- She is an amazing goal keeper. I remember when I told her about a goal I had she helped me keep it.
I will never forget anything that any of these girls have done for me. I will always love them and consider them my best friends even if they are married, becomes moms, or move far away. They are part of who I am today. Thank you!!!!
P.S. I will try and be a better blogger! LOL
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