i am: Natasha Karen Hill
i think: Summer school will never end
i know: I am ready to be done for school
I want: a teaching certificate
i have: a wonderful family
i wish: I was done with school
i hate: pain
i miss: my family
i fear: never getting married and having a family
i feel: tired
i hear: the television going
i smell: popcorn
i crave: nothing I am still full from dinner
i search: for movies
i wonder: how I can get done with school faster
i regret: not having more fun when I was in high school
i love: my nephew
i care: about children
i always: have fun with my family
i am not: skinny
i believe: love at first sight
i dance: to have fun
i sing: loud
i don’t always: know if I am doing the right thing
i write: in my journal
i win: sometimes
i lose: more than I win
i never: want another broken heart
i listen: country music mostly
i can: do my best when I put my mind to it
i am scared: I won't ever be a mother
i need: this summer to be over
i am happy about: life (even with all the trials)
I tag all who read this.