This blog is to congradulate my friend Kailee on getting married. I wish that I would have been able to be there. Well congradulations Kailee and Jason Bailey.
This last weekend my family, my grandma Hill, and my friend Sara went to my grandpa's cabin. While we were there we had fun watching my grandma teach Trysten how to go down the stairs backwards. We went into West Yellowstone and went to the Playmill and saw the play "Annie get your gun." In the play was one of my friend's brother and so we got to see her and her brother. We also put Trysten on some kiddie rides and he liked the horse merry-go-round but he did not like the covered wagon. And we just hung out at the cabin playing games and watching movies. Before we left my mom, Trysten, my grandma, Sara and I went to Big Springs. When we got there there were two mooses in the water. Many people were walking around but they did not move. Trysten loved it.
This blog is to congratulate my cousin Josh on getting married. Welcoming Brandi into the family. Saying that I caught the flowers, and showing a picture of my cute nephew and my cousin Karlie.
At the beginning of the summer I took a class that helped me study for the ACT test. The class from that I took was from the Sylvan Learning Center. The second week of the course Kelly Martinez from 98.5 radio station came in and made us a deal. The deal was that we had to make a goal to set for ourself and if we made the goal then he would let us talk on his radio station and give us free gifts. So that is what happened. The three of us in the class made goals for ourself and made it. So after we told our instructor Nancy that we recieved our goal we were picked up in Nancy's nice car and were taken to the 98.5 radio station and then we talked on the station. After we talked on the radio station Nancy took us to breakfast at Perkins. Rilee and I were the only one that got to do this but Emily was another one in my class. She just didn't show up and we could not find her.
On the fourth of July my grandma Hill, my grandma's dog, Joy, my mom, Sara, and I sat around watching movies and then we went out on my mom's front lawn and watched the fire works.